5 Foods to Reduce Excessive Sweating

5 Foods to Reduce Excessive Sweating

According to WebMD, roughly 3% of Americans are diagnosed with hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating. Hyperhidrosis is a physical condition that can cause a lot of discomfort for the patient. Excessive sweating can ruin clothes and make social interactions awkward. There are two main types of hyperhidrosis: axillary hyperhidrosis (sweating from the armpits) and palmoplantar hyperhidrosis (sweating from the palms and soles of the feet).

Luckily, your diet can influence how much you sweat. Here are five foods that may help reduce excessive sweating:

1. Drink plenty of water
The best way to help your body is to drink water. To treat hyperhidrosis, this is also the case. In order to maintain a normalized temperature, your body will produce sweat to cool down your skin. Water can help regulate your body’s internal temperature, reducing excessive sweat. Throughout the day, it is crucial that you stay hydrated. Even if you keep sweating, you must keep drinking. Make sure to bring a reusable water bottle with you everywhere you go.

2. Consume healthy dairy products
One of the 5 dietary tips to reduce sweating is to eat healthy dairy products. These healthy dairy products could include: yogurt, milk or cheese. You want to look for the products with the most calcium per serving. Calcium is an important mineral that helps humans survive. Like water, it helps the body stabilize its internal temperature, causing you to sweat less. Low-fat versions of these dairy products are ideal as they are easier for the body to digest. Calcium is responsible for keeping you healthy and reduces sweat loss.

3. Eat fruit and vegetables
Eating a healthy diet is very important in reducing excessive sweating. Fruit and vegetables are filled with vitamins and water. Eating these foods helps your body hydrate itself, which decreases sweating. In order to keep your body properly hydrated, it is recommended that you consume 8 glasses of water a day. Since drinking water isn’t always appealing, fruits and vegetables are an easy way to meet the requirement. Fruit and vegetables can also help improve your digestion. If your body works less to digest foods, you will sweat less. Some of the best healthy snacks to look out for are strawberries (92% water), lettuce, cucumbers and celery (all 96% percent).

4. Foods rich in B vitamins
The fourth foods to add to your daily diet are those that are rich in B vitamins. These B vitamins constantly manage the maintenance of your body’s nervous system. The nervous system is responsible for controlling what our bodies do. If you do not consume enough vitamin B, your body will overreact to stressful situations. This causes the body to work harder, producing more sweat. Foods to eat with many B vitamins are red meat, fish, almonds and brown rice.

5. Olive oil
Throughout many of their daily meals, people consume fatty oils that are harmful to your body. Unlike those fatty oils, olive oil is great for your body. It helps your digestive system break down food more efficiently. This allows your body not to work as hard to digest its food, reducing levels of sweat. For people with hyperhidrosis, olive oil is the healthier cooking oil for your diet.