Debunking 8 most common myths associated with bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder has gained the absolutely needed attention over the past couple of years. The reason why developing an understanding of bipolar disorder is deemed absolutely necessary lies in the frightening statistics associated with the illness. Data shared by NARSAD, the Mental Health Research Association, shows that “More than 2 million American adults or 1 percent of the population aged 18 or older in any given year have bipolar disorder.”
However, as common as it may get, there is still a plethora of myths associated with the bipolar disorder that need to be debunked at the earliest. So, here we clarify some misconceptions and myths and reveal the truth behind them.
Myth #1: Bipolar disorder is not common
Fact: One of the most common myths associated with bipolar disorder is that it is a rare condition and does not impact many people. However, the statistics paint a different picture. Every 1 in 5 Americans suffers from bipolar disorder, and the condition affects 2 million adults in the country.
Myth #2: Bipolar disorder is just a mood tantrum
Fact: It is true that people with bipolar disorder have mood swings, but the changes in their moods can be extreme and long-lasting. The intensity of depression or anger can be so severe that the patient may require immediate hospitalization. These episodes of mood change can last for days or weeks and can have a direct impact on the patient’s daily life. However, these are not mood tantrums like those of a child.
Myth #3: Mania is safer than depression
Fact: Mania is one of the extreme moods that a person with bipolar disorder experiences. None of the moods, depression or mania, is safe. Although mania may make the patient have a sudden rush of energy, the patients usually make poor decisions during this phase. Unnecessary expenditure, poor concentration, and aggression are some of the common risks attached to the mania phase.
Myth #4: There is only one type of disorder
Fact: There are 4 types of bipolar disorder, and each type comes with its own set of experiences and symptoms. These types are Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic disorder, (cyclothymia) and another form of bipolar disorder otherwise not specified.
Myth #5: Bipolar disorder patients cannot lead a normal life
Fact: Patients who undergo regular medication and psychological therapies can lead a normal and healthy life. An ongoing treatment helps in reducing the occurrence and severity of mania and depression episodes.
Myth #6: A healthy diet and regular exercise can cure bipolar disorder
Fact: These are not enough. An ongoing medication regime and therapy, along with a healthy lifestyle, can help in managing the symptoms.
Myth #7: Bipolar disorder only impacts a person’s mood
Fact: Bipolar disorder does not only have an impact on a person’s mood. It also affects their reasoning skills, concentration, sleep patterns, sex drive, interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, and eating habits.
Myth #8: The patients of bipolar disorder are always experiencing extreme moods
Fact: Other than the episodes of depression and manic, people with bipolar disorder also experience a balanced mood called euthymia for a long time, somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. At times, the patients may also experience a mixed episode, which has features of both mania and depression together.