Home remedies to treat chickenpox

Home remedies to treat chickenpox

Chickenpox is a contagious disease that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and mostly attacks children between 4-12 years of age. The common effect of this virus is highly itchy skin. Although rare, even adults can be affected by chickenpox if they have not been vaccinated or did not contract the disease when they were children

The disease is very uncomfortable, and it mostly goes away by itself in approximately two weeks. However, in extreme and rare cases, symptoms may persist for months or the patient may develop long-lasting scars or even pneumonia. Although in most cases, the disease heals with minor medication or by itself with time.

Before heading on to what remedies can be taken at home to soothe the symptoms, you may first have a look at some precautions, which can help in the faster healing of chickenpox

You might be tempted to scratch the rashes and that is normal; but, you have to let go of the urge, since this may put you at risk of acquiring a bacterial infection. Moreover, scratched bumps leave long-lasting scars, some of which may last forever. To calm your itchy skin you may do the following:

  • Wear cotton clothing that is loose and in which your skin has enough space to breathe. Stay away from tight clothes, which may, along with blisters, cause harm to your skin.
  • With a clean finger or a swab of cotton, dab Calamine lotion on itchy areas. This may be quite relieving as the lotion contains skin-soothing elements like zinc oxide.
  • Antihistamines like Benadryl could be extremely helpful in easing out your itching and other symptoms.
  • If you cannot resist the scratching, tap or pat your skin, but you may do this as a last resort.

Now, here are top five remedies, which may help in lessening the effect of the disease.

Staying hydrated is the first and foremost shield
Apart from keeping you hydrated all the time, something as simple and as readily available as water can help your body get rid of the virus extremely fast.

Using oatmeal in the form of lotions, creams, ointments and bathing agents
Oatmeal bath sachets or packets are commonly available at almost all drugstores, but you may make one at home. A warm bath in finely ground oatmeal is a great way to get rid of itchiness and to render relief to the skin, which may at times have a burning sensation because of blisters and scabs. Remember that the water should not be very hot. There even are oatmeal creams and lotions available in the market that may provide the same effect.

Baking soda
This fights the acid present in the skin by neutralizing it and helps to reduce itching. Remember, baking soda should be applied to the skin in very small amounts and avoided if the skin is bleeding, raw or broken.

Raw honey
Known to have spectacular skin benefits, honey can act as a great weapon for fighting chickenpox. Honey can help the skin heal faster and soothe inflammation. To add on to its benefits, it reduces the risk of scarring as well.

Salt bath
Sea salt is extremely efficient in fighting germs and it even has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.