Is it possible to live well despite HIV infection
HIV infection is among the most feared infections on Earth because there is no cure for it. It deteriorates a person’s immune system progressively. As a result, they are prone to many other infections, leading to death. While it is natural to fear the risks involving an HIV infection, testing positive for it doesn’t necessarily mean that the person’s life has come to an end.
With incredible progress in medical research, drugs that delay the progression of the infection are now available. In addition, many patients have had a reasonably long life because of these drugs. Here are some tips to manage an HIV infection effectively.
- Acceptance and Positivity
The first rule is to accept that you have HIV. It is important you understand that willpower and positivity is the key to get through this condition. Tell yourself every day that you will live well despite having the infection. A positive mind is instrumental to guide your body towards wellness.
- Eat What is Good for you
Your immune system will only improve if you supply enough nutrients to the body. HIV patients are advised to absolutely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Immune cells require a balanced diet of protein, minerals, and vitamins to function properly. If possible, get a proper diet plan made by a nutritionist.
- Know What Supplements to Take
Consumption of healthy food will not be enough if your body is unable to digest food and absorb the nutrients. Therefore, find specific supplements that will aid digestion and improve nutrient absorption. Some of these drugs generate the production of specific enzymes that greatly enhance nutrient absorption.
Similarly, certain minerals and vitamins increase the healing capacity of the body. Examples include vitamin E and C, zinc, and compounds, like L-glutamine. Consult a doctor about the intake of these supplements to boost your immune system.
- Keep your Body Active
Getting diagnosed with HIV infection should not be the reason for your lack of physical activity. Regular exercise and mild-to-moderate physical activity are not only great mood lifters but also strengthen your body’s immunity. Why not give your immune system this boost?
- Don’t Skip or Neglect Medication
While you are putting efforts into eating right and working out regularly, don’t skip or forget your medication. HIV infection requires continuous medication and regular follow-ups. While the diet and physical activity will make your body strong, medication is required to keep the virus under control and prevent its rapid multiplication.
HIV infection is spreading like wildfire because of unsafe sex, unsterilized needles, and transfusion of infected blood. It is important to understand that HIV infection is not spread by touching or sharing food with those infected. Although there is no cure for HIV infection, it is possible to control the infection from spreading by making a few lifestyle changes and taking the prescribed medication regularly.